Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Celebrity Imitation Contest!

Dear Beauties: Let’s make something fun out of the following Celebrity Imitation Contest to win celebrity inspired dresses! Isn’t it much funny? To win a super dress, join us! Prize: First Prize: The beauty who gets the highest points (one likes =1 point, one share=2 points) will win the first prize, A GORGEOUS CUSTOME MADE DRESS; Second prize: The beauty who gets second highest votes can get the blue jade pendant. Third prize: The beauty who gets third highest votes can get one randomly chosen leather clutch. Participation Prize for all voters (10): 10 fans randomly selected from all voters, who will get randomly chosen earrings. All participants including the voters shall Like our Face book page (https://www.facebook.com/GoodGoodsChina), follow & reblog our twitter (http://twitter.com/grandgowns), follow our tumblr (http://grandgowns.tumblr.com/), and share this activity to your Blog, FB & forum.:) Rule: 1. To participate and win the dress: A. Anybody who thinks herself looks like a celebrity or star can submit her photo at our FB wall to get likes. (If you feel a little bit insecure of your photo, you can blur the photo a bit.) You can just put as: My entry, name, and to whom you imitate. We only count the likes from this imitated photo. B. To participate in the contest and win the dress, you need to pick up a prom dress (http://www.grandgowns.com/prom-dresses) or celebrity inspired dress (http://www.grandgowns.com/celebrity-dresses) which you think most pretty and share with all fans at our FB wall. (no specific format required here and no likes count here) 2. For voters: You can just give the likes if you prefer somebody. The more likes you give, the higher possibility you have to be chosen randomly among our final winners. 3. The entry will be closed on 26th of April, and we announce the winners before May, 1. Note: We encourage our fans to get more friends to vote for you :)

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